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PlaneBase terms and conditions


  • A valid email address and a full and correct name is mandatory. The same details must be used for each installation. A different email address can be used for the user group.
  • It is mandatory that all users join the user group on and messages can be set to special notices only, which will mean you will only receive important messages from us. This is our way to communicate with all users and will be used to send important messages from us including purge announcements.
  • We send out regular emails to the user group or to users directly. It is the responsibility of the user to read these emails and act, as necessary. "I didn't see the email" is not an acceptable excuse and users should make sure that they have access to all their email accounts registered for PlaneBase and for the group.
  • By installing our software, you agree to and accept these terms and conditions.
  • All users are expected to keep a record of their PlaneBase (PB) Serial and registered email address. The PB Serial should be quoted when contacting support at PB.
  • All users are required to keep their software and data up to date as regular purges are carried out to remove inactive installations.
  • Any user found to be breach or conflict with any of the terms and conditions detailed in this document or is found to be misusing the software, either by deliberate or accidental intent, will be purged and have their details removed from the user database. Such action may result in a permanent or temporary ban.


  • From 1st March 2021, Planebase will charge a subscription per annum payable in March each year. This will include the use of PlaneBase and the accompanying programs as well as data downloads for 12 months.
  • The subscription period runs from April 1st until March 31st each year and is intended for personal use only. Commercial users must contact the PlaneBase Team.
  • The cost of the subscription is payable in advance and whilst we try not to increase the subscription cost during the subscription year, we reserve the right to make an increase due to exceptional circumstances. If you do not wish to continue your subscription due to the price increase, you can notify us that you wish to terminate your subscription and you will be refunded for any months not used for that subscription year.

  • Price for existing and past users

  • £40.00 per year - Payable 1st – 31st March each year for up to 3 PlaneBase installations
  • £10.00 per year - Payable 1st – 31st March each year for each extra installation above 3 installations
  • Existing/Past users will pay the fees above regardless of the month they subscribe.
  • Purged users re-joining will also be subject to a £15.00 admin fee.
  • Additional amount in the form of a donation will be accepted.

  • Price for new users

  • £40.00 per year - 3 PlaneBase installations (joining between March to September each year)
  • £20.00 per year - 3 PlaneBase installations (joining October to March each year)
  • £10.00 per year - for each extra installation above 3 (joining March to September each year)
  • £5.00 per year - for each extra installation above 3 (joining October to March each year)
  • The subscription is intended to be used by the same user to be renewed in March each year and should not be shared between different users. Express permission is required from the PlaneBase Team for any variation to this condition.
  • Users found to be sharing their subscription and user details in breach of these terms and conditions may be removed immediately from PlaneBase without notice.


  • Refunds are not permitted unless a user is unable to use PlaneBase and accompanying programs due to issues caused or created by our software.
  • PlaneBase cannot be held responsible for loss of access due to user actions, device, internet issues or software or viruses from other parties. This includes the loss of the device.

Programs and Data

  • PlaneBase, PBLink, PBLite, PBMini, PBGrid and SQB Creator are enthusiast products and one copy of each program is supplied free of charge per user licence (PB Serial). PBMobile is a separate product available as a subscription and separate terms and conditions apply.
  • PBLite will be discontinued from 1st March 2021 and is no longer supported.
  • PlaneBase PBLink, PBLite, PBMini, PBGrid and SQB Creator can only be installed on Windows Vista or later.
  • A unique user licence (PB Serial) is required for each device that the software is installed on and these details should not be shared with other users or made known publicly.
  • Once installed, a PB serial cannot be used on a different device and a new installation should be requested through the User Portal.
  • All users who subscribe can have 3 unique installations as standard, the subscription allows extra instances to a maximum of 5 for an additional cost.
  • In all cases the number of installations a user can have will be at the discretion of the PB support team.
  • Each installation can only be installed a limited number of times in the subscription year before requiring a reset. We reserve the right to charge an administration fee if a user requires a reset. The installation count is reset at the start of every subscription year.
  • Exporting data from PlaneBase is permitted for personal use but express permission is required from the PlaneBase Team to export data on a commercial basis.
  • Users are permitted to post or publish log data publicly.
  • Users are permitted to post or publish publicly, limited data from PlaneBase if it is credited.
  • Data such as production lists or similar should not be posted or published without express permission from the PlaneBase Team.
  • Users found to be in breach of these terms and conditions may be removed from PlaneBase.
  • We own all the intellectual property rights in the software/digital content supplied by PlaneBase and you should not copy, reverse engineer, transfer modify or sub licence the software/digital content without our consent.
  • All users are responsible for keeping their programs and data up to date and are requested to do so.
  • Every effort is made to provide and maintain reliable programs and data. If defective digital content/software which we have supplied damages a device or digital content belonging to you and following appropriate investigation (including the use of an independent expert), this is caused by our failure to use reasonable care and skill we will either repair the damage or pay you compensation. However, we will not be liable for damage which you could have avoided by following our advice to apply an update offered to you free of charge or for damage which was caused by you failing to correctly follow installation instructions or to have in place the minimum system requirements advised by us.
  • PBLink uses certain fields in the sqb file which may conflict with other programs that can access the file. It is recommended that PBLink is the only program that can access and update the sqb file.
  • We can accept no responsibility for any data confliction and/or errors that may occur by using PBLink and it is recommended that a regular backup is made of your sqb file and before using PBLink for the first time.
  • For certain functions, an internet connection is required for Planebase and PBLink to connect to our server and users should not block this access as it may cause problems with the programs not functioning correctly.
  • PlaneBase Mobile users need a valid and up to date PlaneBase Installation for the app to work.


  • We will provide support to users for program installations and usage. This is limited to our products and users are expected to understand and maintain their own systems and anti-virus products.
  • In exceptional circumstances, we may offer extra support which may incur a cost to the user.
  • All users are expected to read the manuals or check the group messages before contacting support and make sure that the programs are running the latest versions and that the data is up to date.
  • When contacting the Team then be aware that it can take up to 24 Hours to reply to you although it is normally a lot quicker. Please give us time to respond.
  • Support may not be available over holiday periods.
  • When contacting Support, all users are expected to deal with the team in a polite and courteous manner. Abuse, aggressiveness and arguing will not be tolerated and any user that deals with the PB team in an inappropriate manner will be removed and have their subscription terminated.

User Data

  • All users are responsible for backing up their data on a regular basis and should be aware that their data is not stored on our server in any format.
  • Details of files that should be backed up and restored can be found here
  • We recommend that backups are saved on an external drive, USB stick or using cloud-based storage such as Dropbox or One Drive.

New Users

  • Our current policy is that existing users can sponsor a new user and as such it is expected that both users know each other. Any user found to be offering a "sponsoring service" to users they do not know may find their membership revoked and subscription terminated.
  • A trial period of 7 days will be permitted for new users that are accepted commencing from the date of registration.

User Purges

  • Installations of users that have not resubscribed in March will be purged on 1st May each year.
  • Purged users may be given the option to be reinstated by paying the subscription fee and a £15.00 Administration fee.
  • Decisions are made based on the user history with us and in some cases the user will not be reinstated.
  • At all times we reserve the right to purge installations but will contact users first.

User Portal

  • Users can view the details of their installations by visiting the user portal found here.
  • Program installers as well as other programs and tools are available.
  • You can contact support or update editors using the contact function.
  • The information in the user portal reflects the data held in our system. Mandatory program updates are made every so often and users are required to update their programs for them to continue to work correctly. Program updates are announced through the user group.

Data Updates

  • Full data updates are generally available every Wednesday and an Exec/Airliner update at weekends. These are generally not announced in the user group as an indication is shown in the downloads panel in PlaneBase when an update is available.

Data corrections and additions

  • Data updates whether corrections or additions should be sent directly to the respective editors.
  • Contact details can be found in the help section of PlaneBase, the use group Wiki pages or using the contact function in the user portal.
  • The user group should not be used for requesting updates.

Standard Administration Fees

  • £15.00 – PlaneBase unlock fee (at the discretion of the Planebase Team).
  • £15.00 - To be reinstated after being purged (The subscription will still be applicable).
  • £15.00 - Standard log conversion or reconversion.
  • £15.00 – Ad Hoc administration fee (at the discretion of the Planebase Team).
  • £15.00 – TeamViewer charge (at the discretion of the Planebase Team).

GDPR Statement

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Please see our privacy policy at the bottom of this page.

Other important terms

    We may transfer this agreement to someone else. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these terms to another organisation. We will contact you to let you know if we plan to do this. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may contact us to end the contract within one month of us telling you about it and we will refund you any payments you have made in advance for products not provided.
    You are not permitted to transfer your rights under this agreement.
    We reserve the right to update and modify these terms and we shall contact you to inform you of any updates. If the terms are substantially changed, you have the right to end your contract with us and cease using the software by providing one month’s prior written notice to us.
    Nobody else has any rights under this. This contract is between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms.
    If a court finds part of this contract illegal, the rest will continue in force. Each of the paragraphs of these terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.
    Even if we delay in enforcing this contract, we can still enforce it later. If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under these terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking this contract, that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us taking steps against you at a later date.
    Law and Jurisdiction These terms are governed by English law and legal proceedings are governed by the English courts.
Terms last checked\updated 01-07-2024